Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Product fail by manager

There are lots of product, do no sell in the local Market. Suppose an Organization "A".  "A" 's product is such kind of product, people use that product only a time  in a day. So What can we do............ ................................ ......................?

There are lots of famous people those who are want to play such kind of research whats are do not use in the local country usually not to use in the local market. But no to sure of the market performance. The thinks i had now is What?

Other Different level is ,

From the managers and employees at all levels, I'm tired of hearing that they're so disgusted because things keep going wrong - and they know what's right - but they never say.
So, I'm tired of both the words and the silence.
And that has put me on a quest. In more conversations, meetings and memorandum these days I find myself saying, "Say it. Say it out loud." Frankly, it doesn't matter what "it" is. What's important is that people at all levels stand up for their knowledge, experience and beliefs and say out loud what they know or think.
Before it's too late - because unless people start talking, it will be too late for one organization after another.
What we knew of competition in the past in no way compares to what competition looks like now or in the future. Everything - and more - that was hypothesized about how business would change with the growth of information technology is coming true. And that's just the beginning. Even the best of the business and societal futurists don't really have a clue what is to come.
Which means that working faster and smarter takes on a completely different - and deeper - meaning than ever before.
Information is not power. That's a fallacy. In fact, information has the shortest sell-by date imaginable. Almost before you've thought it, either someone else has - or worse, someone else has already acted upon it.
It's beyond the proverbial "you snooze, you lose." It's organizational life or death.
Which means that, strategically or operationally, the greatest asset any organization has is the thinking of its employees and stakeholders. The more information on the table, the more everyone has to work with, the better the decisions.
Does this slow things down? Initially, yes - but only because no one is used to talking out loud. Whether because of fear, disgust or sheer laziness, people keep their thoughts in their heads. They may not even know how to convey their thinking they're so out of the habit of talking, discussing, debating.
And let's get past some things really fast:
  • This isn't about 'sharing'. It's not that pretty. It's about survival.
  • If someone disagrees with you, the answer is not to shut down. It's to take their ideas and thoughts, see how those ideas apply to yours and jointly find a way to build more out of everything on offer.
  • Don't be personal - and don't take things personally. This isn't about you, even if the thought is yours. It's about creating something far larger than yourself.
  • Your thoughts have no limits. Neither do you. So, whether in your brain or out of someone Else's mouth, if you start hearing 'no' don't give up and don't give your thought up. It may not work in this situation, but it may well work in another. And if not in this company, then in another

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Format for term paper - Marketing

Format for Term Paper

1. Top page
2. Title page (You can use Company name, Logo, Title etc of your report)
3. Letter of Transmittal (Forwarding Letter addressed to the Faculty – Course Instructor)
4. Acknowledgement  (Page no. in Roman Form; ex. I, II / i, ii) 
(Expression of thanks to the people, to the company and others who have made invaluable contribution to the completion of this report.)

5. Executive Summary (Page no. in Roman Form; ex. I, II / i, ii) 
(This is the recap of the report or study highlighting the important and significant features of the study.)
6. Table of Contents
7. Chapter One: Introduction of the Report
Ø  Company Overview (Background, Mission & Vision)
Ø  Objectives of the study
v  Broad Objective
v  Specific Objectives
Ø  Limitations of the study

8. Chapter Two: Methodology of the Study

Ø  Sources of Data Collection [Primary (Observation, Group Discussion, One to One Interview) and Secondary Sources (Books, Newspaper Articles, Magazines, Websites, etc.)]

9. Chapter Three: Findings and Analysis

Ø  Use sub points depending on your report and findings

10. Chapter Four: Suggestions

11. Chapter Five: Conclusion

12. Reference and Bibliography (Name and link of books, reports and websites used)

13. Appendix (The additional information like questionnaire and materials)

Selected “Topic” for the Term paper

“Marketing Mix (4 P’s) Analysis and Competitors
Evaluation: A study on XYZ Company Ltd”


  • You are advised to maintain the sequence listed above.
  • Use page normal page no like 1, 2, 3 only from Introduction to Conclusion and for the other pages use Roman number; i, ii, iii or A, B, C.
  • The assignment should be computer typed and Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12, Header: 16,        Sub Header: 14, Line space: 1.5 and Format should be Justified.
  • Pages limit: not less than 20 pages
  • Total marks: 20 (10 each for Assignment submission and Group Presentation)

Areas to be covered:
1.      Company History (Establishment, Factory Location, Office Location, etc.)
2.      List Business Portfolio (SBUs) of the organization and evaluate the SBUs by BCG Matrix (Category of their Products, Business or Subsidiaries)
3.      List of Market Offerings (Product & Services of the organization with different sizes & Prices)
4.      Implementation of Ansoff Product-Market Expansion Grid Strategies for the company’s relevant products.
5.      Societal Marketing Activities (CSR done by the organization)
6.      Practice of Marketing Management Orientations/ Company Philosophies for the Company’s existing Products
7.      Create a Table showing the Product Mix of the selected company (Line Length, Line Width, Line Depth)
8.      Application of different Brand Development Strategies (Line Extension, Brand Extension, Multi-brands, New Brands) for the company’s products.
9.      Identify the Brand Sponsorship (Such as Manufacturer’s Brand, Private Brand, Licensed Brand, Co-brand) of the company.
10.  Promotional Activities (IMC activities carried by the company for their products)
v  Push – Pull Strategies used by the company
11.  Pricing Strategy followed by the company
12.  Distribution Strategy followed by the company (Using different Intermediaries – Supply Chain Members and their activities)
13.  Evaluation of the company’s close competitors in terms of marketing mix
v  Competitors
v  List of Substitute Products
14.  Suggestions for the company

Customer Expectations of Service

Customer Expectations of Service

Desired Service and Adequate Service of

A Customer for Restaurant 

Restaurants are classified in many ways :
1.Fast Food: Desired Service expectations are quick, convenient, tasty food, clean setting.
2.Expensive Restaurant: desired service elegant surroundings, gracious employees, candlelight, fine food.
3.Ethnic Restaurants

4.Airport Restaurants

The adequate service expectation level on the other hand, may vary from different firms within category or subcategory.

Within the fast food restaurant, a customer may hold a higher expectation for McDonald’s than for Burger King, having experienced consistent service at McDonald’s over time and somewhat inconsistent service at Burger King.

 The Zone of Tolerance

Service vary across providers, across employees from the same provider and even with the same  service employee.

The extent to which customers recognize and willing to accept this variation is called the:



When a Customer can not wait from a long time , The Zone of Tolerance will be worked from that time so it is very much important for a seller.......


Suppose But Stand for an Example....

Passengers waiting for the bus….‡ 

If the service is higher than the zone of tolerance customer are very delighted. Ex: Arrives on time.‡

If it is exceeding the zone of tolerance then customers are very unhappy.

Now Different  Customers Posses Different Zones of Tolerance…

Some customers have narrow zones of tolerance, requiring a tighter range of service from providers, whereas other customers allow a greater range of service. Very busy customers would likely always be pressed for time, desire short wait times in general also hold constrained range for the length of acceptable wait times.

An individual customer’s zone of tolerance increases or decreases depending on a number of factors, including company – controlled factors such as price...

When price increase, customers tend to be less tolerant to poor service. In this case, the zone of tolerance decreases because the adequate service level shifts upward. 

Also Zones of Tolerance Vary for Service Dimensions 
1 Customers’ tolerance zones also vary for different service attributes or dimensions.

2.The more important the factor, the narrower the zone of tolerance is likely to be.

3.Customers are likely to be less tolerant about unreliable service (broken promise or service errors) than other service deficiencies, which means that they have higher expectations for this factor.


Also Thanks my Honorable Teacher who teach this concept...

Nazmul Karim Chowdhury... 

Monday, March 25, 2013


For the E-Marketing  and making a normal Excel dynamic doc. using the Office word 2007 or 2013 base personnel...

(a)          1+2+3+………. +N, where N is input and N > 1. For Number count...

Dim i, n1 As Integer
Dim sum As Integer = 0
n1 = TextBox1.Text
For i = 1 To n1
sum = sum + i
Next i


(b)          1+3+5+………..+ (2N+1), where N is input and N > 0. Performance maintain at customer...

Dim i, n1 As Integer
Dim sum As Integer = 0
n1 = TextBox1.Text
For i = 1 To n1
sum = sum + i
i = i + 1
Next i


(c)           2+4+6+………..+ (2N), where N is input and N > 1. Territory performance maintenance...

Dim i, n1 As Integer
Dim sum As Integer = 0
n1 = TextBox1.Text
For i = 2 To n1
sum = sum + i
i = i + 1
Next i


(d)          52+102+152+……. + (5N) 2, where N is input and N > 1. Maintain performance...

Dim i, n1 As Integer
Dim sum As Integer = 0
n1 = TextBox1.Text
For i = 0 To n1
sum = sum + (i * 5) ^ 2
Next i


2.  Calculate the average of numbers within a range. (For example, average of numbers from 1 to 100). The range will be given as input.

Dim i, n1, n2 As Integer
Dim sum As Integer = 0
Dim avg As Decimal
n1 = TextBox1.Text
n2 = TextBox2.Text
For i = n1 To n2
sum = sum + i
Next i
avg = sum / ((n2 - n1) + 1)


3. Calculate the total number of evens or odds within a range of numbers (for example, the total number of evens or odds from 3 to 30). The range will be given as input

Dim i, n1, n2 As Integer
Dim counter As Integer = 0
n1 = TextBox1.Text
n2 = TextBox2.Text
For i = n1 To n2
counter = counter + 1
i = i + 1
Next i


4. Calculate the factorial of a given number.

Dim i, n1 As Integer
Dim counter As Integer = 1
n1 = TextBox1.Text
For i = 1 To n1
counter = counter * i
Next i